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Governance and Engagement

Encouraging collaboration and leading by example

When fashion and technology come together, incredible things start to happen. People can share ideas and develop new ways of thinking and working – consigning old, less sustainable ones to history.

We want to use our platform to engage and empower people to drive positive change across the fashion industry. That means putting in place the foundations that give FARFETCH employees, innovators and partners the platform to make a difference. This covers everything from the work required to deliver good governance of ethical, environmental and social issues, to the support we give all employees to live their values at work.

On board with ESG

On board with ESG

In 2020 we formed an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee of the FARFETCH Board of Directors. The Committee is chaired by Stephanie Horton and includes Jose Neves (our Founder, CEO and Chairman) and Dana Evan. Their mission is to oversee Farfetch’s ESG strategies and policies such that FARFETCH becomes a leader in sustainable, ethical, and consciously inclusive business practices, proactively addresses key ESG-related opportunities and risks and responds appropriately to the concerns of all relevant stakeholders.

All our ESG Reports, policies and further information can be found below.

Good governance

Good governance

It’s critical that all Farfetchers act with the highest levels of integrity. Our Code of Conduct provides and promotes a set of principles and standards of business ethics that all Farfetchers are required to adhere to. We also expect our suppliers to meet our high standards, which are outlined in our Vendor Code of Conduct and our ethical sourcing policy. You can see a full suite of our corporate governance documents below.

Setting industry standards for ourselves and our value chains

Setting industry standards for ourselves and our value chains

Thinking, acting and choosing acting positively applies to all areas of our business. From the fashion we sell to the coffee we drink, we aim to embed best practice into every corner of FARFETCH by setting strong standards and expectations both internally and for our partners and value chains. For example we have an ongoing partnership with EcoVadis that assesses our supply chain partners strengths and opportunities across four key areas of ESG: labor and human rights, environmental impact, business ethics, and sustainable procurement.



We want to use our platform to drive positive change through partnerships and collaboration, towards a more Cleaner, Conscious, Circular and Inclusive industry for everyone. We continue to be an active member of The Fashion Pact, a coalition of companies that harnesses the power of collaboration to drive impact at scale. We are a signatory of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). And we are also partners with a number of organisations to support our Positively Inclusive strategy, including Color in Tech, The Valuable 500 and She Can Code